If you need it in future you'll can view this results page again (without the need to upload again your custom theme's ZIP package) at the following address:


  • Generic checks
  • ok

    Checking theme.xml file:

    "theme.xml" file correctly found in the root of the ZIP package.

  • ok

    Checking for any subfolders:

    There are no subfolders inside the root.

  • ok

    Analyzing the theme.xml file:

    The theme.xml file seems to be a valid XML file.

  • ok

    Checking theme's XML structure:

    The "theme" node and its two attributes "format-ver" and "package" have been found correctly inside the XML structure.

  • ok

    Checking XML nodes name:

    All the nodes used in the XML structure are known and valid.

  • ok

    Checking XML nodes number for backgrounds:

    There are 10 backgrounds nodes in the theme.xml file.

  • ok

    Getting files list used in the theme:

    45 files found inside the theme.xml file.

  • ok

    Checking if the files used in the theme.xml file really exist:

    All the files used in the theme.xml file exist.

  • ok

    Scanning for extra useless files in theme's folder:

    There are no extra useless files in the theme's folder.

  • Theme's data
  • ok

    Checking if "InfomationProperty" node exists:

    "InfomationProperty" node found.

  • ok

    Checking theme's title:

    Valid default value found: trials fusion

  • ok

    Checking theme's provider:

    Valid default value found: trials fusion

  • ok

    Checking theme's version:

    Valid version pattern: 01.00.

  • ok

    Checking theme's thumbnail preview image:

    package.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (226x128px) are correct.

  • warning

    Checking theme's livearea preview image:

    preview_home.png: image sizes (360x192px) are wrong! They should be 480x272px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • warning

    Checking theme's lockscreen preview image:

    preview_standby.png: image sizes (360x192px) are wrong! They should be 480x272px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • Infomation Bar
  • ok

    Checking if "InfomationBarProperty" node exists:

    "InfomationBarProperty" node found.

  • ok

    Checking infobar color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking indicator color value:

    ff263d42 is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notice font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notice glow color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking "no" notice image:

    info_non.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (120x110px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking "new" notice image:

    info_new.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (120x110px) are correct.

  • Lockscreen
  • ok

    Checking if "StartScreenProperty" node exists:

    "StartScreenProperty" node found.

  • error

    Checking date layout value:

    3 is an invalid date layout! It can be only "0", "1" or "2".

  • ok

    Checking date color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notify background color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notify border color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking notify font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • warning

    Checking image:

    standby001.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • Livearea
  • ok

    Checking if "HomeProperty" node exists:

    "HomeProperty" node found.

  • ok

    Checking background music file:

    BGM.at9 seems to be a valid AT9 audio file.

  • ok

    Checking base page icon file:

    indicator_off.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (22x22px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking current page icon file:

    indicator_on.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (22x22px) are correct.

  • Icons:
  • ok


    Browser.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Video.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Music.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    PS3_Remote_Play.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Party.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Trophy.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    near.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    ContentsManager.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    PS4_Link.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Friends.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Email.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Calendar.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Messages.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Parental_Control.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Photo.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • ok


    Settings.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (128x128px) are correct.

  • Backgrounds:
  • Background #0:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg00.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg00t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #1:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg01.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg01t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #2:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg02.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg02t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #3:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg03.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg03t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #4:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg04.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg04t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #5:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg05.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg05t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #6:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg06.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg06t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #7:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg07.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg07t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #8:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg08.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg08t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Background #9:
  • warning

    Checking backgrounds image:

    bg09.png: image sizes (960x544px) are wrong! They should be 960x512px. The PSVita may show anyway this image (by resizing, stretching or cropping it) or may not show it at all.

  • ok

    Checking backgrounds thumbnail image:

    bg09t.png: image format (PNG) and sizes (360x192px) are correct.

  • ok

    Checking wave type value:

    4 is a valid integer.

  • ok

    Checking font color value:

    ffadcbed is a valid ARGB Hexadecimal value.

  • ok

    Checking font shadow value:

    1 is a valid value for font shadow.

  • Summary
  • ok


    86 valid fields.

  • warning


    13 warnings: your custom theme could work anyway but you'd better check and resolve these problematic fields to avoid any possible issue.

  • error


    1 errors found: you must fix these errors because your custom theme in the current state could create serious problems such as internal database corruptions, screen freezes, console crashes or simply not working at all.

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