This repository remains live only thanks to the generosity of supporters who donate to cover the annual web hosting costs.
The 2025 annual goal has already been fulfilled thanks to the donations of Conor Bowden, Ian Young and 1 anonymous supporter.
We have now launched a new fundraiser to cover the next 5 years of hosting costs. Your contributions will ensure that the repository continues to remain online and operational for everyone at least until 2030!
A special thank you to those who are contributing to this ambitious goal: Fergus Raye.
Thank you so much for supporting this project 🙏
Sorry, no result to show!
Currently there are 2480 Custom Themes in the repository and they have been downloaded 25030875 times in total!
The repository:
In the days after the release of Henkaku hack, and the following
PSVita DB Theme Installer 360,
one of the most frequent questions I read around on forums and social networks was:
"Where can I download custom themes for my PSVita?"
Of course there were already threads or posts collecting custom themes in various sites, but often they were messed up because of people comments,
many preview images of different size and type, download links from many different file hosting services, etc... Hence the idea of creating a
repository that was simple, fast, mobile friendly, but still complete and free, where all users could find and
download custom themes for their console in few seconds. And so here is the PSVita Custom Themes - Free Repository!
In this repository you will find custom themes created by amateur users, collected from around the web and then tested, arranged and reuploaded on
Google Drive so that they can be ready to download and use. Obviously it was impossible to retrieve any existing custom theme on the web and many of
those found had no more valid download link. However this repository includes a public feature to submit a custom theme to be added, so whether you
are the creator of a new custom theme or you have just found one around the web that is not currently included in the repository, you can easily
submit it so that it could be added soon.
The custom themes in this repository have been collected from around the web. All rights on them therefore belong to the rightful owners.
This repository is completely free.
Its author (@redsquirrel87) is in no way related to the creators of these custom themes and therefore he does NOT take any responsibility for their contents.
For any dispute about a custom theme in this repository you can use the Contact Us form to ask for details or the removal of
content that, always unintentionally, may have caused you a damage in any way.
The custom themes in this repository have all been checked and clean from malicious files, despite this it is still possible that you may experience
some unknown problems out of our controls. For this reason please remember that you are using the custom themes in this
repository always at your own risk.
Since there will be a function in PSVita DB Theme Installer 360
that will let users to download custom themes from this repository and to install them directly on their PSVita memory card, all extra files
and subfolders have been deleted from the ZIP packages of the custom themes to save space. They will be still available as separate download.
Javascript libraries used by this website: jQuery v1.11.1 and jQuery mobile v1.4.5
Please be sure to read these important notes before to submit a custom theme:
Finally please be sure to always respect the following rules:
The submitted custom theme does NOT have to:Custom themes which will not respect these few rules will be rejected or deleted and your user key cancelled.
1) Even if in the past similar content was allowed thanks to censorship and the fact that the files physically resided on third-party hosting services (Imgur and Google Drive) now with the transition to the new web hosting and the fact that images and files are stored directly on its server we have been notified of the obligation not to upload, store or show any kind of pornographic material which could break its ToS and therefore sorry but we can no longer accept similar contents to avoid any possibility, even the slightest, of service suspension or account termination. In any case, we want to specify that only 9 of the 1662 Custom Themes submitted in the last 7 years in the repository have been removed because of this, so luckily this limitation should not be a significant loss of contents for the repository.
Sorry, this feature has not been restored yet
but it will be available soon!
Because of the increase of SPAM bots that have bypassed any type of protection, the public form to contact us has been disabled for now.
For any question, comment or issue regarding this repository or its contents you can contact the owner of this repository through these alternative methods:
Or, if it's not something extremely private, you can also leave a comment below:
If your PSVita has a firmware compatible with Henkaku, Enso or h-encore hacks (so from 3.60 to 3.68) you can use one of the following tools to fully manage custom themes:
Otherwise if your PSVita has a firmware that is not hackable or any official firmware, to install any custom theme you can only use the "injection" in system backups procedure. Unfortunately it's a much longer and more complex procedure, but it's the only possibility that exists for now. You can find a detailed tutorial for this procedure on About the uninstallation in this case, you can use the same procedure (deleting them manually from the system backup folders and the PSVita database file) or just a more drastic (but faster) procedure such as restoring the PSVita database from the recovery mode and formatting the Memory Card.
Final note: whatever procedure you choose to install the custom themes, please remember that the installation procedure will not automatically apply the custom theme on your PSVita. You have to manually change the current theme of your PSVita using the Settings app. If you don't know how to do it, you can find a step-by-step guide just below:
In your PSVita livearea search for the Settings bubble and launch it:
Scroll down and choose the "Theme & Background" option:
Now choose the "Theme" option:
And now you can select one of the (official and custom) themes currently installed in your PSVita: